
Tandtechnisch Laboratorium Beijn has been renovated and expanded its capacity whilst further digitizing the workflow

  • Press Release
  • October 2024
  • Rotterdam - the Netherlands
Tandtechnisch Laboratorium Beijn

Tandtechnisch Laboratorium Beijn has been renovated and expanded its capacity whilst further digitizing the workflow. In addition to the renovation of the laboratorium, the capacity has been enlarged by increasing workplaces and FTE’s, alongside the investment in a milling center with the imes-icore CORITEC in its middle. This expansion and renovation will accommodate further market growth, which is dynamic in the surrounding areas and in general in the Dutch market.

Tandtechnisch Laboratorium Beijn is a Netherlands based dental laboratory with a long tradition and procedural knowledge in this sector. Mr. J.A. Beijn senior (1897-1975) started in 1920 with his own practice. In 1951, his son J.A. Beijn junior (1933-2022) joined the laboratory as an apprentice. In 1968 he took over his father’s dental laboratory. In 2020, after the 100th anniversary of the laboratory, Mr. J.A. Beijn junior decided to sell the company to Lakeside Capital Partners. The effective date of change of ownership will be January 1st 2021.

The purpose of the company is to provide clients with the finest dental technology by assuring the highest quality standards. The company’s long history benefits from a strong qualitative brand image, during the years a steady growth in technical and cosmetic dentistry has been possible due to the expertise and personal approach of the selected technical craftswomen and men.