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Ali Keles, together with Ritchy Drost and Cyanne Toebes Moe-Tjon, has been appointed as a member of the Supervisory Board of De Balie as of June 2023

  • Press Release
  • July 2023
  • Rotterdam - the Netherlands

Ali Keles, together with Ritchy Drost and Cyanne Toebes Moe-Tjon, has been appointed as a member of the Supervisory Board of the Balie as of June 2023. After 8 years, Bercan Günel stepped down as a member of the Supervisory Board. The other current members of the Supervisory Board are Mirjam van Praag (chairman), Peter Mensing and Doreen Boonekamp.

Keles: “Being part of and contributing from the Supervisory Board to an institute like De Balie that is committed to art, culture and social debate is a great honor for me.”


The film DEPOT – Reflecting Boijmans by Sonia Herman Dolz premiered at International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR) February 2023

  • Press Release
  • June 2023
  • Rotterdam - the Netherlands
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen

The film DEPOT – Reflecting Boijmans by Sonia Herman Dolz premiered at International Film Festival Rotterdam IFFR 2023.

“While Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen had to close in 2019 due to large-scale renovation, a completely new building was created nearby that would open its doors to the public: the Depot – a shared dream of architect Winy Maas and Boijmans director Sjarel Ex. This documentary not only takes us through the creation of the world’s first fully publicly accessible depot, but also draws beautiful parallels with the construction of the current museum building in the 1930s on the basis of archive material from Bouw Museum Boymans.

Maas and Ex guide the viewer with contagious pleasure through both the stripped down museum and the brand new depot and share their enthusiastic view of the past and present. The film, a monument to the future, unlocks the secrets of the museum between the acts and reveals details that are usually hidden from view. Both buildings reveal themselves, a vault with art treasures is opened. The result is a loving symphony for art and architecture.

DEPOT – Reflecting Boijmans is the latest film by filmmaker Sonia Herman Dolz, known for award-winning documentaries such as Romance de Valentia (1994) about the art of bullfighting and Lágrimas negras (1998), about an aging Cuban band. She also made the documentary Conducting Boijmans (2015).” (text by Christiaan Boesenach IFFR)

Trailer of the film DEPOT – Reflecting Boijmans.


Ali Keles new chairman Netherlands Association of Corporate Art Collections

  • Press Release
  • May 2023
  • Rotterdam - the Netherlands
Vereniging Bedrijfscollecties Nederland (VBCN) logoLakeside Collection

During the general meeting of the Netherlands Association of Corporate Art Collections (VBCN) on May 10th 2023, Ali Keles took office as the new chairman. He succeeds Anne Clement van Vugt, who has been chairman since 2020 and whose term of office expired this year.

Ali Keles (1983) is an investor and founder of Lakeside Capital Partners, a financial services and investment group based in the Netherlands. In addition, he collects contemporary art that is housed in the Lakeside Collection, and thus joined the VBCN in 2019. He has been a board member of the VBCN since 2021.

With Keles as the new chairman, the VBCN is committed to further professionalizing the services it provides to its members. In addition, an important spearhead will be intensifying cooperation with the Dutch cultural and museum sector, but also between the affiliated corporate collections.

Keles strongly cares about the long-term commitment of the corporate collections and wants to embed this by developing a widely supported Charter for Art & Culture. Increasing the sense of responsibility of companies and (semi) public institutions to invest in the Dutch art and culture sector is evident to him.

In his opening speech, Keles emphasized: “Companies and (semi) public institutions that have committed themselves to the VBCN and that have all built up treasures of art collections over the years are an important part of the Dutch art sector. This makes them a great support for the arts and their creators. Recent research by the UvA has shown that the VBCN members collectively conserve more than 100,000 works of art and account for almost a quarter of all art purchases in the Netherlands.”

The VBCN is very pleased with the appointment of Keles and at the same time thanks Anne Clement van Vugt – senior advisor and art coordinator at Erasmus University Rotterdam – for her chairmanship. Under her inspired leadership, the VBCN membership grew, the association’s memory was recorded, the mission and vision updated, the anniversary publication VBCN VIEW was realized and the association presented the fourth edition of the VBCN OPEN curator’s prize. About the VBCN The Dutch Association of Corporate Collections (VBCN) is an independent non-profit knowledge network for Dutch companies and (semi) public institutions with an art collection. The members bring a large and diverse audience into contact with art and create new connections between art and society. This makes the VBCN a distinctive player in the cultural field.


Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland partners in a new healthcare center in Breda region and opens new dental clinic

  • Press Release
  • April 2023
  • Rotterdam - the Netherlands
Tandheelkundegroep Logo

Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland increases growth by expanding its activities into Breda region. The group partners in a new healthcare center in Breda region and opens new dental clinic.

The healthcare center project is being carried by renowned developer ‘Built by De Wildt’ (BbDW). The latter will host various medical disciplines including medical doctors, and Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland’s dental clinic. The healthcare center is aimed to officially open in the spring of 2024.

Disciplines such as implantology, orthodontics and periodontology are included whilst being provided during extensive opening times.


Interview with Ali Keles in Het Financieele Dagblad

  • Press Release
  • March 2023
  • Rotterdam - the Netherlands
Tandheelkundegroep Logo

Ellen Leijser
Interviewer Het Financieele Dagblad

Ramon van Flymen

Parts of the interview:

Art collectors about their collection. It always starts with that one work of art that you fall head over heels for. Five art collectors talk about that love, which leaves you wanting more.

In my eyes, art was something for museums. The fact that you can also buy art was not something that lived with me. Until I came to the PAN for the first time around the age of nineteen and saw gallery owners, met artists. That’s how I started buying a piece of art every now and then.

A purchase always starts with my heart. A work of art does something to you, touches you, moves you, can inspire, raise questions, abrade, but it can also just be very beautiful. Aesthetics can be an important reason to acquire art.

To read the full interview:

PDF Version


Lakeside Capital Partners first New Year’s reception took place on January 12th 2023 on the roof of Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen celebrating its 10th year anniversary

  • Press Release
  • February 2023
  • Rotterdam - the Netherlands
Lakeside Capital PartnersTandheelkundegroep Logo

Lakeside Capital Partners first New Year’s reception took place on January 12th 2023 on the roof of Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen celebrating its 10th year anniversary. A new yearly tradition at this venue on each 2nd Thursday of every new year has born.

With this get together Lakeside Capital Partner’s management wishes to bring together its network of shareholders, partners, advisors and clients. Not merely for business but moreover to bring them together with the artist community which whom a connection in the heart is in place.


A modern and contemporary art collection, founded in 2015 by Lakeside Capital Partners, with local presence exhibited at “Villa Lakeside”, affiliated locations and Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen.

Diversity and inclusion are valuable sources of inspiration for the Lakeside Collection, which consists of over 120 artworks created by local and international artists from 1946 until today.

Lakeside Collection believes in the power of art and conveys inspiration to its visitors. The collection exhibits many different art forms ranging from video art, sculptures, paintings, filmography, photography to print.

In 2019 Lakeside Collection became an official member of the Netherlands Association of Corporate Art Collections. For more information:


Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland has realized growth whilst consolidating its assets

  • Press Release
  • January 2023
  • Rotterdam - the Netherlands
Tandheelkundegroep Logo

As of January 2023, Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland entered its 10th year of operations. Post COVID-19 pandemic impact is still to be felt in society. A lot of uncertainties stayed partly with us whilst a global crisis unfolded. Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland continued to acquire dental clinics and invest in getting new locations ready for opening in the Benelux region to service high quality dentistry.

A horizontal organizational structure with dynamic interaction in between the different fields of management’s and staff’s expertise, alongside creating an engaging and motivating corporate culture has proven still to be the correct methods in realizing growth.

In 2022 the group has realized a single digit growth in revenues. Management and shareholders are confident in a further roll-out of the chosen strategy with a combined focus on start-ups and acquisitions.


Ending the year and welcoming 2023 whilst signing for opening a new location in Amersfoort region

  • Press Release
  • December 2022
  • Rotterdam - the Netherlands
Tandheelkundegroep Logo

We are ending an intensive year with a lot of uncertainties world wide. Dutch government has been actively (financially) supportive to consumers and companies and continue to do so, compensating the consequences of the high inflation. Hopefully the new year will light positivity and prosperity on our common future in peace.

Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland continued to invest in getting new locations ready for opening in the Benelux region to service high quality dentistry. One of these is another brand new location, this time in the Amersfoort region, to be opened beginning of Q2 2023. Dentalair Group will construct and supply all dental equipment in the new dental clinic.

We would like to thank all our suppliers for the cooperation.


Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland participated with its own booth at the Dental Expo 2022 in RAI Amsterdam

  • Press Release
  • November 2022
  • Rotterdam - the Netherlands
Tandheelkundegroep Logo

Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland participated with its own booth at the Dental Expo 2022 in RAI Amsterdam. The footprint of Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland has grown in the last decade and being visible at fairs for dental specialists, suppliers and partners, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic is most important. Therefore management is glad to have been part of Dental Expo 2022 as a participant. Its attendance at Dental Expo 2022 at booth number C178 has been very welcoming by meeting various fostered guests.

Dental Expo is the trade fair for total oral care. It is the largest independent event within the dental industry in the Netherlands and the meeting place for oral professionals. It is the perfect opportunity to network, show new products, maintain existing relationships and meet new ones. The event gives visitors a glimpse into the future by focusing on development and innovation.

This trusted platform connects professionals from the dental industry. The entire market reconnects with old acquaintances or meets new business relations during this fair. Here you can network in an informal way.

Dental Expo inspires by offering a seminar program and workshops, led by experts. This positions the fair as an indispensable event for anyone who wants to keep abreast of the latest developments in the dental industry.

Dental Expo is the platform where the latest developments within the dental industry are presented, such as: Equipment for dental technology, implants & prostheses, practice & laboratory materials, dental prevention and business services.



Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland has been awarded the title FD Gazelle 2022

  • Press Release
  • October 2022
  • Rotterdam - the Netherlands
fd gazellen 2022Tandheelkundegroep Logo

Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland’s management is honoured and grateful to announce that the group has been awarded the title FD Gazelle 2022 by the Financieele Dagblad. The group has been given this title now for 5 consecutive years. The Financieele Dagblad is a newspaper echoing the style and audience targeting of the well-known Financial Times (FT) newspaper, for the Dutch market.

A company which is one the FD Gazellen is considered among the fastest growing companies in the Netherlands with over 20% year on year growth for 3 undisrupted years. Other criteria needed to carry this title are based on the financial health of the company.

All the criteria are:

● A turnover growth of at least 20% over a period of three years
● The turnover growth over the three-year period is uninterrupted
● In the first year turnover should be at least € 250.000
● Economically active on the 1st of January 2019
● The company must have been profitable in the preceding year to title and can only have sustained a net loss for one of the 2 years preceding the latter
● Companies must be financially sound

The group’s management would like to thank again all of it’s patients, staff members, suppliers and partners. All have had an important contribution towards this moment. On November 4th the group reaches its 9th anniversary. Yet, a long path lies ahead and we are looking forward to reaching more milestones. This growth has only been possible due to the group’s concentration on high quality service provision whilst also taking into account the company’s moral obligations to all stakeholders.