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Minister Bruins of healthcare, welfare and sports wants to expand the service provision of dental hygienists

  • Press Release
  • July 2018
  • Rotterdam - the Netherlands

Minister Bruins of healthcare, welfare, and sports want to expand the service provision of dental hygienists without the supervision or referral of dentists. These new services will start on January 1st 2020 and include procedures such as anesthesia, radiography, and primary cavity treatment that were originally, only performed by dentists. Minister Bruins has made the following comment:

“It makes sense to utilise people according to what they have been trained to do because we need everyone in oral care, from hygienists to dentists. Therethrough, dentists have more room for more complex dental care.”

This new policy will be followed closely as it is experimental and the proof is needed concerning the increased efficiency of the distribution of capacity in dental healthcare. In the case of increased efficiency in the sector without the loss of quality for patients, the experiment will be seen as successful and more independence for hygienists concerning such procedures will be considered for future policy implementation.


De Persgroep Nederland and Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland have come to agreement on cooperation

  • Press Release
  • June 2018
  • Rotterdam - the Netherlands
De persgroep logoTandheelkundegroep Logo

De Persgroep Nederland and Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland have agreed upon a collaboration on advertising in both the news papers as well as a new online platform that concentrates on local news for towns and cities. This new collaboration will aid in expanding the marketing reach of Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland which is expected to increase brand awareness.

De Persgroep is a Belgian publishing company operating in Belgium, Denmark and the Netherlands. In 1990, the company which used to be called Hoste acquired its current name.


Interview in ea. magazine by Erasmus University

  • Press Release
  • May 2018
  • Rotterdam - the Netherlands
ea magazine logoTandheelkundegroep Logo

Carien van der Wal
interviewer ea magazine

“I have an unstoppable urge to create”

‘The desire to prove yourself and make a difference can come from anywhere. I discovered I had something to prove to myself, first and foremost,’ said entrepreneur, Ali Keles. ‘When I was ten, I first heard the word ‘business man’, and it kept singing around in my head.’

NAME: Ali Keles
AGE: 34
CAREER: Entrepreneur

‘The only rebellious act I had during my teenage years was quitting piano lessons. I’m from a broken home and my mother was on her own for the most of it so I didn’t want to rebel against her. She has done so much for me,’ adds Keles, sitting at the long table in his office by the Schie river. The room has the vibe of a gallery. He likes to surround himself with work by modern artists, even if they’re still up-and-coming. Keles points at a piece by Alexander Kaletski, a Russian refugee who fled to New York empty-handed, and collected cardboard boxes to use as a canvas. ‘Kaletski is a role model to many, because he shows you can leave behind the misery that often befalls refugees.’

Always busy

Art is the common thread factor in Keles’ life. ‘I currently attend lectures about modern art at the Open Academy and hope to get back to college one day as an art history student.’ During his student life, he was very active. ‘That’s why it took me so long to graduate,’ he laughs. ‘I worked at the legal aid centre, the Legal Complaint Desk, I was a coordinator and board member of the Student Forum for European Affairs and worked on my first start-ups in university, even if we didn’t call it a start-up in those days.’ On top of all this, he became a council member for GroenLinks, the Dutch green party.

Dental care in every part of town

Everything Ali Keles does is characterised by humanism. After all, Philosophy was his favourite subject in school – he applies it to his entrepreneurship as well. That is why he signed the Diversity Charter of the Social Economic Council last year. ‘We have people from eighteen different nationalities working for us, of which 53 percent are female and 47 percent are male.’ Although it wasn’t exactly hip to be an entrepreneur during his university years, it was always his thing. ‘When I was ten, I first heard the word ‘business man’, and it kept singing around in my head. I have this unstoppable need to create. Whether it’s a film festival, like the Red Tulip Festival that provided a Dutch platform for Turkish arthouse cinema, a magazine (Pandora, ed.), or real estate. I want to get things off the ground, preferably in collaboration with others.’ From his boutique private equity house, Keles established Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland with business partner Dr. Go. The company sets up clinics throughout the Netherlands, including disadvantaged neighbourhoods. ‘Full-spectrum dental care. Providing all services.’

Local employees

‘I like to provide employment for people that live in these neighbourhoods. It’s not unheard of to approach the reception desk as a patient and leave as an employee.’ That’s exactly what happened to a young woman who was in-between jobs. Keles encouraged her to go back to school and become a dental assistant. Today she’s the clinic’s coordinator. ‘I’ve come to think of myself as an enabler more than a business man. The perfect vantage point for servant leadership.’

To read in the ea magazine:


Stage- en traineeship-programma’s zijn in ontwikkeling

  • Press Release
  • April 2018
  • Rotterdam - the Netherlands
Tandheelkundegroep Logo

Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland hecht waarde aan het belang van onderwijs en training van studenten en (toekomstige) medewerkers. De afgelopen jaren heeft de groep programma’s ontwikkeld waarmee studenten door ervaring en carrière kunnen groeien. Deze programma’s voldoen aan de eisen gesteld door de respectieve onderwijsinstellingen van de studenten.

Op het medische vlak werft Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland tandartsen, mondhygiënisten en tandartsassistenten als stagiairs of trainees, nog voordat zij hun carrière aanvangen. Na afronding van hun programma’s krijgen stagiairs die een positieve werkethiek hebben getoond en zeer gemotiveerd zijn posities binnen de groep aangeboden. Op 1 mei 2018, de Dag van de Arbeid, zullen 3 van zulke stagiaires die de opleiding van tandartsassistente hebben voltooid aan hun voltijd posities in de groep beginnen.

De stageplaatsen op het hoofdkantoor van de groep zijn business georiënteerd en bieden een breed scala aan interessegebieden voor stagiairs. Deze omvatten asset management, finance, business development, marketing en grafische vormgeving. Can Ilgaz is op het hoofdkantoor verantwoordelijk voor het stageprogramma, zowel voor de recruitment als coördinatie van stagiaires. Hij was de eerste stagiair van de groep en werd daarna Junior Associate en later Business Developer.

Bachelor studenten die stage hebben gelopen op het hoofdkantoor hebben hun master vervolgd aan gerenommeerde onderwijsinstellingen, zoals de Rotterdam School of Management (RSM) en de universiteit van Oxford. Master studenten betreden het team in verschillende deelgebieden en kunnen hun studie afronden, door het schrijven van een scriptie op basis van een case van de groep.

Koen van den Houdt (Finance Intern)
MSc Finance aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam voltooide zijn masterscriptie op het hoofdkantoor met een focus op een dental fonds.

“Tijdens de eerste 3 maanden van mijn stage schreef ik mijn afstudeerscriptie en de rondde mijn MSc Finance af. Mijn collega’s waren internationaal en we werkten aan verschillende projecten en rapporteerden rechtstreeks aan de CEO. Dit heeft mijn professionele ontwikkeling enorm bevorderd en heeft me een geweldige start van een carrière opgeleverd.”

Anastasiia Tupitcyna (Business Intern)
BSc International Business Administration (IBA) aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.

“Tijdens mijn stage op het hoofdkantoor had ik de mogelijkheid om te werken aan deals in verschillende sectoren, waaronder gezondheidszorg en cosmetica. Het was een ervaring van onschatbare waarde die mij een sterke leercurve en een hoge mate van inzicht in senior professionals gaf. Het was een voorrecht om met de heer Keles en zijn team samen te werken.”


Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland’s management and employees visited the Dental Expo in Amsterdam

  • Press Release
  • March 2018
  • Rotterdam - the Netherlands
Tandheelkundegroep Logo

The group’s management, alongside employees working for both the head office and dental healthcare clinics, visited the Dental Expo in Amsterdam. In March, 2017 management visited IDS in Düsseldorf. Both these events provided a greater understanding of the market and available synergies. The latter also provides possibilities of innovation with suppliers and partners. Finally, the Dental Expo also provided an opportunity to place orders.


Famed and Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland agree to renew and expand their collaboration

  • Press Release
  • February 2018
  • Rotterdam - the Netherlands
Famed logoTandheelkundegroep Logo

Famed and Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland have renewed and expanded their cooperation on the provision of factoring services. The group’s new dental healthcare clinics, recently and soon to be opened in 2018, will be serviced by Famed. This collaboration guarantees a correct and efficient invoicing procedure and ensures patients a transparent and smooth payment process.

Famed has been a financial services provider in the healthcare sector since 1988 and market leader in size and innovation in the field of medical factoring. As specialists in the administration, invoicing and collection of invoices, they take over the time-consuming care concerning the financial administration from healthcare providers. This helps care providers to better execute their (medical) profession, relieves all billing concerns and results in permanently satisfied healthcare consumers and health insurers.


Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland has realized strong growth

  • Press Release
  • January 2018
  • Rotterdam - the Netherlands
Tandheelkundegroep Logo

As of January 2018, Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland entered its 5th year of operations. In this period multiple start-ups and acquisitions have successfully been realized. A horizontal organizational structure with dynamic interaction in between the different fields of management’s and staff’s expertise, alongside creating an engaging and motivating corporate culture has proven to be the correct methods in realizing strong growth.

Within the last 4 years, the group has realized an average annual growth of 45.5% in revenues. Therefore, management and shareholders are convinced in accelerating the roll-out of the chosen strategy.


Interview in the Forum opinion journal by VNO-NCW

  • Press Release
  • December 2017
  • Rotterdam - the Netherlands
VNO NCW logoTandheelkundegroep Logo

Jessica Maas
freelance editor Forum

Why Ali Keles helps refugees in the Netherlands

Ali Keles, CEO of the Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland and managing partner of an investment company in Rotterdam, is more a doer than a talker. And certainly not about himself. He does not really like interviews, but makes an exception when it comes to corporate social responsibility. That’s in his DNA. Taught within the family. An eye for the weak. While studying law at the Erasmus University, originated from Rotterdam with a Turkish background, he was already fascinated by human rights. ‘I still remember our lecturer in sociology of law, Dr Pieterman, who wrote about life opportunities. That made an impression. Life chances, that’s what it’s all about.’ Keles – as an entrepreneur, employer and investor – likes to encourage talent and invest in social projects.

Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland is setting up dental practices throughout the Netherlands. Also in deprived areas, where staff from the same district are recruited and trained. Keles recently signed the Diversity Charter, in which entrepreneurs declare their commitment to greater diversity and inclusion in the workplace. There are no shortcomings in different backgrounds within the Tandheelkunde Groep. The medical staff speaks more than eighteen different languages. It seems that the policy of diversity has developed in a natural way. ‘With a female-male ratio of 53-47 percent, there is a healthy balance. We really regard diversity as an enrichment.’

Give refugees in the Netherlands chance for their own company

When Keles only heard the story of an elderly dentist from Aleppo in the office via a patient, Keles wanted to meet him. ‘As it turned out, this 60-year-old man spoke five languages, had completed his master’s in Greece and was really a specialist, but he could not get started in the Netherlands. It is intolerable for such a person to clean up in our country while we are in high demand of good professionals.’ He offered the man his help, without any obligations. The BIG-registration has been applied for and soon he can hopefully pick up his old profession again. ‘It’s just about giving people a chance. Tomorrow I will speak to another dentist who is also from Syria. Too often, only the limitations of a person are considered.’


Whether it is the task of Dutch entrepreneurs to help newcomers on their way? Keles is quiet for a moment. He does not like to impose on colleagues or to wave a teaching finger. ‘In any case, I could totally agree with the German industrialists who supported Merkel immediately after saying ‘Wir schaffen das’, and called on the German government to shorten the procedures in order to be able to hire newcomers more quickly.’ Keles points at a painting ‘Oversized Shirt’ in the office. Work by the now highly celebrated artist Alexander Kaletski. A former Russian refugee who ended up in New York and then continued his passion for art and made work on cardboard boxes that he collected on the street. ‘Such a story is leading. And so everyone has a story. You just need to want to hear it.’

To read all interviews:


Dentalair Group and Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland have agreed on the construction of three new dental clinics

  • Press Release
  • November 2017
  • Rotterdam - the Netherlands
Dentalair logoTandheelkundegroep Logo

Dentalair Group and Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland have agreed on the construction of three new clinics in the Netherlands. Starting in Q4 2017 with the last one being delivered complete in Q2 2018. The agreement also includes the supply and installation of dental equipment to these clinics.

Dentalair is one of the largest suppliers of dental equipment and consumables in the Netherlands. The company is based in Dordrecht and has been active for over 55 years. Dentalbouw is a subsidiary of Dentalair Group, focusing on the interior design, construction and refurbishment of dental clinics.


NPB Media and Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland agree to extend and increase their collaboration

  • Press Release
  • October 2017
  • Rotterdam - the Netherlands
NPB media logoTandheelkundegroep Logo

NPB Media and Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland have agreed to extend and increase their collaboration by three more years for marketing purposes.

Operating throughout the Netherlands, NPB Media is a market leader when it comes to outdoor light post advertising and has been active for the past 80 years. NPB Media works together with 170 municipalities, including almost all major cities with exclusive rights for the placement of outdoor light post advertisements.

Upon signing a new contract, NPB Media and Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland have agreed to extend and increase their collaboration by three years in which various locations will be assigned for marketing purposes.