
Lakeside Collection joins the exhibition Unlocked/Reconnected

  • Press Release
  • July 2020
  • Rotterdam - the Netherlands
Lakeside Collection

Lakeside Collection takes a part in Unlocked/Reconnected exhibition at ‘Villa Lakeside’ in Rotterdam. Artwork shown is the ‘Bust Chair’ by Tomáš Gabzdil Libertíny. Besides showing the artwork 12 conversations will be held and recorded with interesting guests out of the Dutch art world, so called ‘Bust Chair Conversations’. Contemplating and looking ahead after reopening and starting life and participation in the world.

Unlocked/Reconnected is an initiative that brings together a wide range of ‘houses for art’: museums, institutes for presentation, galleries, artists’ initiatives, and corporate collections. The point of departure for Unlocked/Reconnected is the idea of solidarity, the will to reflect collectively on what home is. Our world must not become fragmented, fractured into enclosing walls: a consolidation of forces and locations, national and international, can in fact show us what the house/home can mean. As an initiative Unlocked/Reconnected stems from a sense that opening up the home, in the aftermath of the lockdown, will force us to reconsider our outlook on this. Unlocked/Reconnected underlines the importance of art and culture in this period of global crisis.

For more information:


Lakeside Collection joins the exhibition Unlocked/Reconnected

  • Press Release
  • July 2020
  • Rotterdam - the Netherlands
Lakeside Collection

Lakeside Collection takes a part in Unlocked/Reconnected exhibition at ‘Villa Lakeside’ in Rotterdam. Artwork shown is the ‘Bust Chair’ by Tomáš Gabzdil Libertíny. Besides showing the artwork 12 conversations will be held and recorded with interesting guests out of the Dutch art world, so called ‘Bust Chair Conversations’. Contemplating and looking ahead after reopening and starting life and participation in the world.

Unlocked/Reconnected is an initiative that brings together a wide range of ‘houses for art’: museums, institutes for presentation, galleries, artists’ initiatives, and corporate collections. The point of departure for Unlocked/Reconnected is the idea of solidarity, the will to reflect collectively on what home is. Our world must not become fragmented, fractured into enclosing walls: a consolidation of forces and locations, national and international, can in fact show us what the house/home can mean. As an initiative Unlocked/Reconnected stems from a sense that opening up the home, in the aftermath of the lockdown, will force us to reconsider our outlook on this. Unlocked/Reconnected underlines the importance of art and culture in this period of global crisis.

For more information:


Dentalair Group and Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland have agreed on the construction of two new dental clinics

  • Press Release
  • June 2020
  • Rotterdam - the Netherlands
Dentalair logoTandheelkundegroep Logo

Dentalair Group and Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland have agreed on the construction of two new clinics in the Netherlands. Starting the first in Q3 2020 with the second one being delivered complete in Q4 2020. The agreement also includes the supply and installation of dental equipment to these clinics.

Dentalair is one of the largest suppliers of dental equipment and consumables in the Netherlands. The company is based in Dordrecht and has been active for almost 60 years. Dentalbouw is a subsidiary of Dentalair Group, focusing on the interior design, construction, and refurbishment of dental clinics.


Dentalair Groep en Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland hebben overeenstemming bereikt over de bouw van twee nieuwe tandartsenpraktijken

  • Press Release
  • June 2020
  • Rotterdam - the Netherlands
Dentalair logoTandheelkundegroep Logo

Dentalair Group en Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland hebben overeenstemming bereikt over de bouw van twee nieuwe tandartsenpraktijken in Nederland. Vanaf Q3 2020 wordt de eerste gestart en de tweede wordt eind Q4 2020 volledig afgeleverd. De overeenkomst omvat ook de levering en installatie van tandheelkundige apparatuur aan deze praktijken.

Dentalair is een van de grootste leveranciers van tandheelkundige apparatuur en verbruiksartikelen in Nederland. Het bedrijf is gevestigd in Dordrecht en is al bijna 60 jaar actief. Dentalbouw is een dochteronderneming van Dentalair Groep en richt zich op het ontwerp, de bouw en de renovatie van tandartsenpraktijken.


Dentalair Group ve Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland iki yeni diş kliniğinin inşası konusunda anlaştılar

  • Press Release
  • June 2020
  • Rotterdam - the Netherlands
Dentalair logoTandheelkundegroep Logo

Dentalair Group ve Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland, Hollanda’da iki yeni kliniğin inşası konusunda anlaştılar. Anlaşma yapıma 2020 yılının ilk çeyreğinden başlayarak, ikincisi 2020 ikinci çeyreğinde eksiksiz olarak teslim edilecek şekilde yapılmıştır. Anlaşmada ayrıca bu kliniklere dişçilik ekipmanlarının tedariği ve kurulumu da dahildir.

Dentalair, Hollanda’daki en büyük dental ekipman ve sarf malzemesi tedarikçilerinden biridir. Şirket Dordrecht’te bulunmaktadır ve yaklaşık 60 yıldır faaliyet göstermektedir. Dentalbouw, diş kliniklerinin iç tasarımı, inşası ve yenilenmesine odaklanan bir Dentalair Group iştirakidir.


Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland güçlü bir büyüme kaydetti

  • Press Release
  • May 2020
  • Rotterdam - the Netherlands
Tandheelkundegroep Logo

Ocak 2020 itibariyle Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland 7. faaliyet yılına girdi. Bu dönemde birden fazla şirket açılışı ve devralma işlemini başarılı bir şekilde gerçekleştirdi. İlgi çekici ve motive edici bir kurumsal kültür yaratmanın yanı sıra yönetimin farklı alanları ile personelin uzmanlığı arasındaki dinamik etkileşime sahip yatay bir organizasyon yapısının güçlü büyümeyi gerçekleştirmede doğru yöntem olduğu kanıtlanmıştır.

2019 yılında grup gelirlerinde %34’lük organik bir büyüme gerçekleştirdi. Bu nedenle, yönetim ve hissedarlar hala seçilen stratejinin uygulanmasını daha da hızlandıracaklarından eminler.


Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland heeft een sterke groei gerealiseerd

  • Press Release
  • May 2020
  • Rotterdam - the Netherlands
Tandheelkundegroep Logo

Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland is met ingang van januari 2020 haar 7e bedrijfsjaar ingegaan. In deze periode zijn meerdere start-ups en acquisities succesvol gerealiseerd. Een horizontale organisatiestructuur met dynamische interactie tussen de verschillende domeinen van de expertise van management en personeel, naast het creëren van een boeiende en motiverende bedrijfscultuur, is de juiste methode gebleken om sterke groei te realiseren.

In 2019 realiseerde de groep een autonome omzetgroei van 34%. Management en aandeelhouders hebben er daarom nog steeds vertrouwen in om de uitrol van de gekozen strategie verder te versnellen.


Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland has realized strong growth

  • Press Release
  • May 2020
  • Rotterdam - the Netherlands
Tandheelkundegroep Logo

As of January 2020, Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland entered its 7th year of operations. In this period multiple start-ups and acquisitions have successfully been realized. A horizontal organizational structure with dynamic interaction in between the different fields of management’s and staff’s expertise, alongside creating an engaging and motivating corporate culture has proven to be the correct methods in realizing strong growth.

In 2019 the group has realized an organic growth of 34% in revenues. Therefore, management and shareholders are still confident in further accelerating the roll-out of the chosen strategy.


Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland düzenli diş tedavileri için kliniklerini yeniden açıyor

  • Press Release
  • April 2020
  • Rotterdam - the Netherlands
Tandheelkundegroep Logo

Hollanda’da yeni rapor edilen COVID-19 vakalarının artışı her geçen gün istikrarlı bir şekilde azalmakta. Hükümetin salgına karşı yürüttüğü tedbirler toplumda kontrollü ve sakin bir atmosfere sebep oluyor. İlkokullar düzenli programlarına yeniden başlıyorlar. Ekonominin diğer bölümlerini akıllı bir şekilde yeniden başlatmak için devlet başka eylemlere de hazırlanıyor.

Bir aydan fazla bir süre Hollanda’daki diş hekimliği endüstrisi, COVID-19 salgını nedeniyle sadece acil tedaviler için aktifti. Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland, diş kliniklerini düzenli diş tedavileri için yeniden açıyor. Tüm grup diş klinikleri, 22 Nisan’da ekstra enfeksiyon önleme tedbirleri ile düzenli tedaviler yapmaya başladı.

Ayrıca, gruptaki tüm sağlık uzmanları en yüksek teknolojik seviyedeki maskeleri ve koruyucu giysileri kullanıyor, düzenli aralıklarla dezenfeksiyon işlemleri artırılıyor ve enfekte olmuş olası hastaları tanımlamak için kızılötesi termometreler kullanılıyor. Toplumun sağlığı için, hizmet çerçevesinde yeni ve etkin önlemler alınıyor.

Bu konuyla ilgili olarak, Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland yönetimi NOS gazetecisi Melvin Captein’a röportaj verdi.

Röportaj hakkında daha fazla bilgi için…


Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland heropent haar tandartsenpraktijken voor reguliere tandheelkundige behandelingen

  • Press Release
  • April 2020
  • Rotterdam - the Netherlands
Tandheelkundegroep Logo

De toename van de nieuw gerapporteerde COVID-19 gevallen in Nederland neemt elke dag gestaag af. Regeringsacties tegen de pandemie leiden tot een gecontroleerde en rustige sfeer in de samenleving. Basisscholen hervatten hun normale schema. Verdere maatregelen om andere delen van de economie op een intelligente manier opnieuw op te starten, worden voorbereid.

De tandheelkundige industrie in Nederland was ruim een maand alleen actief voor spoedeisende behandelingen, vanwege de pandemie van COVID-19. Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland heropent haar tandartsenpraktijken voor reguliere tandheelkundige behandelingen. Alle tandartsenpraktijken van de groep zijn per 22 april gestart met reguliere behandelingen met inachtneming van extra infectiepreventie maatregelen.

Bovendien gebruiken alle zorgverleners in de groep maskers van hoog technologisch niveau en beschermende pakken, wordt de desinfectie op gezette tijden verhoogd en worden infrarood-thermometers gebruikt om mogelijk geïnfecteerde patiënten te identificeren. Voor de volksgezondheid van de samenleving zijn er ook nog andere maatregelen genomen om dienstbaar te kunnen zijn.

Betreffende dit onderwerp, heeft het management van Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland een interview gegeven aan NOS journalist Melvin Captein.

Voor meer informatie m.b.t. het interview…